Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Brings together, in strategic coordination, the core programs of Federal investment in skill development:

Employment and training services for adults, dislocated workers, and youth and Wagner-Peyser employment services administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) through formula grants to states; and

Adult education and family literacy programs as well as State Vocational Rehabilitation Services programs that assist eligible individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment; both core programs are administered by the U.S. Department of Education (ED).


Streamlines and Strengthens the Strategic Roles of Workforce Development Boards: 

WIOA makes state and local boards more agile and well-positioned to meet local and regional employers' workforce needs.

Strategically Align Workforce Development Programs: 

WIOA ensures that employment and training services provided by the core programs are coordinated and complementary so that job seekers acquire skills and credentials that meet employers' needs.

Fosters Regional Collaboration: 

WIOA promotes alignment of workforce development programs with regional economic development strategies to meet the needs of local and regional employers.

Improves the American Job Center (AJC) System: 

WIOA increases the quality and accessibility of services that job seekers and employers receive at their local AJCs.

Improves Services to Employers and Promotes Work-Based Training:

WIOA contributes to economic growth and business expansion by ensuring the workforce system is job-driven, matching employers with skilled individuals.

Provides Access to High-Quality Training:

WIOA helps job seekers acquire industry-recognized credentials for in-demand jobs.

Enhances Workforce Services for the Unemployed and Other Job Seekers:

WIOA ensures that unemployed and other job seekers have access to high-quality workforce services.

Improves Services to Individuals with Disabilities:

WIOA increases individuals with disabilities' access to high quality workforce services and prepares them for competitive integrated employment.

Makes Key Investments in Serving Disconnected Youth and Other Vulnerable Populations:

WIOA prepares vulnerable youth and other job seekers for successful employment through increasing the use of proven service models services.