Labor Market Information
The labor market information provided generally includes the counties of Benton, Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Fountain, Howard, Miami, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Tipton, Warren, and White.
That said, data for the United States, Midwest, Indiana, and select Economic Growth Region (EGR) 4 cities (Attica, Crawfordsville, Delphi, Fowler, Frankfort, Kokomo, Lafayette, West Lafayette, Logansport, Monticello, Peru, Tipton, and Williamsport) is also presented.
Information in the following documents includes but is not limited to:
- Unemployment rates and labor force estimates for the United States, the Midwest, Indiana, EGR 4, and select cities in EGR 4
- The Midwest’s consumer price index
- EGR 4 and Indiana unemployment claims
- Top 20 occupations desired by active applicants in EGR 4 in the last 12 months
- Frequently listed jobs in EGR 4
- Kokomo, IN metropolitan division wage (MSA) and salaried employment
- Lafayette, IN metropolitan division wage (MSA) and salaried employment