
  • Workforce Investment Opportunity Grant (WIOA)

    Brings together, in strategic coordination, the core programs of Federal investment in skill development:

    • Employment and training services for adults, dislocated workers, and youth and Wagner-Peyser employment services administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) through formula grants to states; and
    • Adult education and family literacy programs as well as State Vocational Rehabilitation Services programs that assist eligible individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment; both core programs are administered by the U.S. Department of Education (ED).
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  • WorkKeys

    WorkKeys profilers work with company experts to define profiles based on job duties and skills required for an individual to be proficient. Profiling results on streamlined recruitment and hiring, reduced cost of hiring, and increased retention rates. Employees skills and abilities are aligned with their jobs, boosting moral and increasing productivity.

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  • Jobs for America's Graduates

    Jobs for America’s Graduates, or JAG, is a school-to-career program implemented in 700 high schools, alternative schools, community colleges, and middle schools across the United States and United Kingdom. JAG’s mission is to keep young people in school through graduation and provide work-based learning experiences that will lead to career advancement opportunities or enrollment in a postsecondary institution that will lead to a rewarding career.

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  • Rural Healthcare Grant

    The Rural Healthcare Grant Program is designed to alleviate healthcare workforce shortages by creating sustainable employment and training programs in healthcare occupations. The grant provides employment and training services to individuals who will gain the skills and competencies required to enter middle- and high-skilled jobs along a career pathway in healthcare occupations. This program will train individuals whose employment status when determined eligible for the program is unemployed, underemployed, or an incumbent worker.

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  • #i Work

    #i Work is a training program for Out of School Young Adults (ages 16-24) aimed at assisting them in finding a career pathway of their choice.

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